Our programs are designed to create long-term solutions for the health and well-being of all individuals, especially those who need them the most.

At Bayan Peduli, we believe that Good Health & Well-being are essential for the happiness and fulfillment of every individual. We have designed our programs to address pressing health challenges faced by many Indonesians, with a particular focus on those who have limited access to quality healthcare and resources.

“Without health, we will never become a strong nation. With good health, we can pursue education. Through education, we can nurture an intelligent nation, enabling us to achieve a strong economy and foster innovation. Ultimately, we can prosper and become a good and resilient nation, capable of facing external challenges.”
Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Moeloek
Former Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Our primary objective is to uplift underprivileged and marginalized communities by providing them with access to vital health services and comprehensive support. We go beyond immediate relief, striving to create sustainable solutions through collaborations with governmental and non-governmental organizations, healthcare professionals, and community leaders.

We also prioritize promoting inclusivity and advocating for the rights and well-being of individuals with disabilities. Through active participation in national events and programs, we raise awareness, encourage social integration, and establish support systems to enhance their quality of life. By fostering partnerships and leveraging our resources, we aim to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of the communities we serve.